Happy Belated Nurses Week! Burn Brighter CE Launch ๐Ÿ’–โœจ

Uncategorized May 13, 2019

I would like to take a moment to clear the air and energy about the launch of what I call the Burn Brighter movement.

Honestly I am a bit overwhelmed at the outpouring of love, support, and appreciation from my fellow healers over the last few weeks!

I wish the Burn Brighter CE session wasn’t so needed, BUT I definitely tapped into a collective need in offering the class last week.

When I started to think about how I would launch the course and reach out to other healers, I knew only 2 things: I wanted to be able to interact LIVE and I wanted to offer great value and not waste your time.

For me, that translated into using Zoom technology and offering the course free for Nurses Week.

I really didn’t think too much past that point as I wasn’t sure what type of reception the course might receive once I got it into YOUR hands.

Now that the content is out there and it’s been validated beyond my 1:1 coaching clients, I am both humbled and a bit saddened by the content’s reception.

Why sad you might wonder?

โ€จWell, I wish it wasn’t so needed. I wish I was wrong about how many nurses dread going to work each day. I wish I was wrong about the complications of stuffing our feelings down and “manning up” and moving on with our shift when bad things happen. I wish so many things different than the reality we are facing.

However, I see HOPE too. I see a chance for us to make a change. I see a way for you to learn to feel better.

I also see a day when the system changes for the better.

I believe that once we are all burning brighter and feeling more in alignment with who we are and what we want that WE as a group will effect the change so desperately needed in our broken healthcare system.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for filling up my cup last week during the LIVE sessions!!

I hope I helped both fill up your cup in that moment as well as teach you some basic strategies to keep filling that cup.

I am excited about the future for us my friends and I encourage you to join me and the Burn Brighter community on Facebook if you haven’t already. 

โ€จAs I talked about in the workshop, we are so much better together and in community with others than we can ever be in isolation and on our own.

โ€จBurn Brighter, My Friend, Burn Brighter!!
~ Sherpa Erica ๐Ÿ’–โœจ

PS. If you missed the LIVE session, you can still catch the replay ๐Ÿ˜‰



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